Commercial Window Cleaning Canberra

Commercial and Office Cleaning Company Canberra

Commercial Window Cleaning Canberra
Residential Carpet Cleaning Canberra

We also offer a carpet steam cleaning service to suit the needs of residential clients in Canberra. Whether it be a one bedroom clean or a whole house clean. Some people go in search of cheap carpet cleaners in Canberra, we can assure you that hiring irreputable carpet cleaners will still leave you with dirty, bacteria ridden carpet. Or even worse, cost you thousands of dollars in repair costs. Here at iCleaning we have the most advanced carpet steam cleaning equipment on the market, use only the best chemicals available and pride ourselves on customer satisfaction.
Please call us on 1300 ICLEAN or email us for a quote.
Our Process:​
Vacuum of all carpets (if needed)
Deodorizer or flea treatment (optional extra)
Stain Treatment
Hot Water Extraction (Steam Cleaning)